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Residuals of galamm objects


# S3 method for class 'galamm'
residuals(object, type = c("pearson", "deviance"), ...)



An object of class galamm returned from galamm.


Character of length one describing the type of residuals to be returned. One of "pearson" and "deviance". Argument is case sensitive.


Optional arguments passed on to other methods. Currently not used.


Numeric vector of residual values.

See also

fitted.galamm() for model fitted values, predict.galamm() for model predictions, and plot.galamm() for diagnostic plots. The generic function is residuals().

Other details of model fit: VarCorr(), coef.galamm(), confint.galamm(), deviance.galamm(), factor_loadings.galamm(), family.galamm(), fitted.galamm(), fixef(), formula.galamm(), llikAIC(), logLik.galamm(), nobs.galamm(), predict.galamm(), print.VarCorr.galamm(), ranef.galamm(), response(), sigma.galamm(), vcov.galamm()


# Poisson GLMM
count_mod <- galamm(
  formula = y ~ lbas * treat + lage + v4 + (1 | subj),
  data = epilep, family = poisson

# Extract residuals
#>   [1]  0.75134825 -0.30588389 -0.30588389 -0.02647642 -0.29969105  0.75942563
#>   [7] -0.29969105 -0.02030696 -0.31982773  0.94348448 -1.58313993  1.96255720
#>  [13]  0.43844044  0.43844044 -1.23495860  0.76431835 -1.92290673  0.98985619
#>  [19] -1.39331347  2.54290384 -0.37901975 -1.61176436  0.85372485  0.87239664
#>  [25]  1.53250415  0.42157251 -1.80029078 -0.45686210  3.20970074 -0.85522137
#>  [31] -0.24548305 -1.89587259 -0.37109232  0.04054904  0.04054904 -0.01046534
#>  [37]  2.32295391  1.96014958 -0.57948072 -2.54300871  2.19282080 -1.20593505
#>  [43] -2.66254471  1.98848496  1.50225502 -0.64560897  0.07034569 -1.02528638
#>  [49] -0.11018739 -0.11018739  0.86264510 -0.84232934 -1.20333646 -0.60001269
#>  [55]  0.30497297  1.51905875  0.11484915  2.14376752 -1.40683963 -1.16387436
#>  [61]  2.65545389 -2.24478741 -2.24478741  0.34313328 -1.52938364 -1.52938364
#>  [67]  0.43219090  0.71507238  0.93383050 -0.48618501 -0.66368695  0.38154208
#>  [73] -0.56482022  0.41685518 -1.05565792  0.78036317 -0.61348596 -2.06574589
#>  [79]  0.83877398  1.76694279 -0.32319792  0.20279343 -0.32319792  0.52638912
#>  [85] -0.15886014  0.39262021 -0.15886014  0.71796768 -0.88312263 -0.36313065
#>  [91] -0.36313065  1.04374857  0.11210337  1.55462045 -2.05167224  0.56867360
#>  [97] -3.01755708 -2.01950534  6.63027648 -1.03914103 -0.02145063 -0.72321509
#> [103] -0.02145063 -0.55408107  0.27795300 -0.97310964  0.90348433 -0.11893239
#> [109] -0.13340625  0.41112684 -0.13340625  0.15259422 -0.06770284  0.82764610
#> [115] -0.66460214 -0.50349772  0.20892340 -0.15792875  0.57577555 -0.92446003
#> [121] -1.46575702  1.26320826  0.58096694 -1.35232878  0.10795686  1.89482700
#> [127] -1.08328990  0.38775621 -1.16421688  0.73022624  1.20383702  0.10529799
#> [133]  0.46538682 -0.09615929 -1.21925153  0.18294961  0.90033033 -0.27288190
#> [139]  0.19640299  0.13717193  0.17355958 -0.29134663  1.10337200  0.03108554
#> [145] -0.20516397  1.11018319 -1.52051113  1.44850131 -1.49633342  0.02175214
#> [151]  0.02175214  0.44848458 -1.29984938  3.78574203 -2.02636244 -0.57121746
#> [157]  0.95126708 -0.03257705 -0.03257705 -0.93776498 -1.46467211 -0.09917878
#> [163]  1.26631454 -1.35132783  1.17204252  0.59252146 -1.72556281  0.29235793
#> [169] -1.34839757 -0.60923644  2.10102101  0.26122160  1.25864008 -0.66816476
#> [175] -1.43888670  0.94731198  2.83566561 -0.95477231 -1.27064214 -0.52432300
#> [181] -0.35539104 -0.35539104  0.48257860  1.62375415 -0.76701612  0.63019867
#> [187] -0.06840872  0.38751946  0.77476967 -0.15207809 -1.07892584 -0.99543270
#> [193]  2.75568498 -1.44160278 -0.64752131 -0.38687286  0.21353124 -0.31387209
#> [199] -0.84127542  0.53720677  0.39735678 -0.36116194 -0.74042129  0.44481689
#> [205] -1.29929849 -0.21360713 -1.29929849  1.24229858  0.06700104 -1.59599420
#> [211]  2.44270852 -0.53607134  1.14333078 -0.40015859  0.11433786 -1.79323794
#> [217] -0.35757659  0.68406717  0.16324529 -0.07793957 -3.19183238  3.13136837
#> [223]  1.98169550 -0.71780112 -0.15016611  0.52039502 -1.49128836 -0.64907910
#> [229] -0.98405084 -0.98405084 -0.98405084 -0.90789964 -0.94826426  0.94946156
#> [235]  0.31688629 -0.08723898