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Extract random effects from galamm object.


# S3 method for class 'galamm'
ranef(object, ...)



An object of class galamm, returned from galamm.


Optional parameters passed on to other methods. Currently not used.


An object of class ranef.galamm, containing the requested random effects.


Bates DM, Mächler M, Bolker B, Walker S (2015). “Fitting Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using Lme4.” Journal of Statistical Software, 67(1), 1–48. ISSN 1548-7660, doi:10.18637/jss.v067.i01 .


This function is derived from lme4::ranef.merMod, written by Douglas Bates, Martin Maechler, Ben Bolker, Steve Walker.


# Poisson GLMM
count_mod <- galamm(
  formula = y ~ lbas * treat + lage + v4 + (1 | subj),
  data = epilep, family = poisson

# Extract random effects
#> $subj
#>     (Intercept)
#> 1   0.054801194
#> 2   0.067128734
#> 3   0.339005443
#> 4   0.156539399
#> 5   0.018769146
#> 6  -0.203361347
#> 7  -0.121249992
#> 8   0.445388051
#> 9  -0.183126098
#> 10  0.941223293
#> 11  0.164707632
#> 12 -0.013318772
#> 13 -0.069755556
#> 14 -0.080784157
#> 15 -0.220238514
#> 16 -0.856980819
#> 17 -0.756729929
#> 18  0.192712910
#> 19 -0.247883354
#> 20 -0.109262155
#> 21  0.020112309
#> 22  0.336336442
#> 23 -0.312726250
#> 24  0.097464659
#> 25  0.959569912
#> 26 -0.457892584
#> 27  0.039653228
#> 28  0.263425805
#> 29 -0.311198889
#> 30 -0.155081893
#> 31 -0.320528837
#> 32  0.539457657
#> 33  0.460522482
#> 34 -0.305186294
#> 35  1.018964462
#> 36  0.548834571
#> 37  0.275759175
#> 38 -0.688740932
#> 39 -0.046734600
#> 40  0.005348547
#> 41 -0.569016659
#> 42  0.134020686
#> 43  0.392476777
#> 44  0.016707046
#> 45  0.100750799
#> 46  0.381237132
#> 47  0.109689790
#> 48 -0.373107851
#> 49  0.686635579
#> 50 -0.212730301
#> 51 -0.194902788
#> 52 -0.772084418
#> 53  0.443822432
#> 54 -0.389679998
#> 55  0.201819631
#> 56  1.101943180
#> 57 -0.645241909
#> 58 -0.938185103
#> 59  0.094489081
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "ranef.galamm"