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#> Loading required package: mgcv
#> Loading required package: nlme
#> Attaching package: 'nlme'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:lme4':
#>     lmList
#> This is mgcv 1.8-42. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.
#> This is gamm4 0.2-6

The galamm package includes a function for computing the Laplace approximate marginal likelihood of both GLLAMMs and GALAMMs. This vignette describes how to perform maximum likelihood estimation with the currently available functions; it is complicated, but also gives the benefit of understanding what’s going on, in addition to a more accurate algorithm which scales better. Before continuing, make sure you’ve read the Introduction vignette. We are working on defining a more user friendly API which is closer to commonly used R functions for estimation of multilevel models.

For a full reference, see Sørensen, Fjell, and Walhovd (2023). For scripts for reproducing the results of Sørensen, Fjell, and Walhovd (2023), see

Linear mixed model with factor structure

We will use an example dataset from the PLmixed package (Rockwood and Jeon 2019). PLmixed is probably a better choice for this model, but this way we get a gentle start before we try estimating generalized multilevel models with semiparametric terms.

IRTsub <- IRTsim[IRTsim$item < 4, ]
IRTsub <- IRTsub[sample(nrow(IRTsub), 300), ]
IRTsub <- IRTsub[order(IRTsub$item), ]
irt.lam = c(1, NA, NA)

Estimation with PLmixed

The model can be fit with PLmixed as follows, where we’re pretending for now the the response is normally distributed, although the binomial distribution would be correct.

form <- y ~ 0 + as.factor(item) + (0 + abil.sid |sid) +(0 + abil.sid |school)
irt.model <- PLmixed(form,
                     data = IRTsub, load.var = c("item"), # family = binomial,
                     REML = FALSE, factor = list(c("abil.sid")), 
                     lambda = list(irt.lam), iter.count = FALSE)

Estimation with the galamm package

We can use the marginal_likelihood function from galamm to compute the marginal likelihood of this model at given values of fixed effects \(\beta\), variance components \(\theta\), and factor loadings \(\lambda\).

We start by adding \(\lambda\) as a variable in the model:

dat <- IRTsub
dat$abil.sid <- 1

We then generate the components of a linear mixed model:

lmod <- lFormula(form, data = dat, REML = FALSE)

The fixed effects matrix does not contain any factor loadings, so we keep it as is.

X <- lmod$X

The random effects matrix does contain factor loadings, so we need a mapping. Zt is on compressed sparse column format, and diff(Zt@p) thus shows us the number of entries in each column of this transposed matrix.

Zt <- lmod$reTrms$Zt
#>   2 
#> 300
lambda_mapping_Zt <- rep(dat$item, each = 2) - 2L

We also extract the random effects covariance matrix, with its mapping to \(\theta\). See Bates et al. (2015) for details.

Lambdat <- lmod$reTrms$Lambdat
theta_mapping <- lmod$reTrms$Lind - 1L

We can now start by confirming that we are able to compute the likelihood of the model.

ml <- marginal_likelihood(
  y = dat$y,
  trials = rep(1, length(dat$y)),
  X = X,
  Zt = Zt,
  Lambdat = Lambdat,
  beta = fixef(irt.model),
  theta = getME(irt.model$lme4, "theta"),
  theta_mapping = theta_mapping,
  lambda = irt.model$Lambda[[1]][, "abil.sid", drop = TRUE][2:3],
  lambda_mapping_X = integer(),
  lambda_mapping_Zt = lambda_mapping_Zt,
  weights = numeric(),
  weights_mapping = integer(),
  family = "gaussian",
  family_mapping = rep(0L, nrow(dat)),
  maxit_conditional_modes = 1

The marginal_likelihood function returns the log-likelihood, which we can compare with that from PLmixed:

#> [1] -193.5633
#> [1] -193.5633

The marginal_likelihood function also returns the gradient of the marginal likelihood with respect to \(\theta\), \(\beta\), and \(\lambda\), in that order. Reassuringly, it is close to zero. Not however that PLmixed returns the maximum of the profile likelihood, which albeit consistent, is not the same as the maximum likelihood estimate (Gong and Samaniego 1981; Parke 1986; Pawitan 2001).

#> [1] -1.219268e-06 -1.959015e-06  3.175238e-13  1.398881e-13  4.058975e-13
#> [6] -2.035351e-05  1.550563e-05

This gradient is computed with algorithmic differentiation using the autodiff C++ library (Leal 2018), which means that it is exact to computer precision.

We can use this gradient to find the maximum likelihood estimates of the model (technically, the Laplace approximate marginal maximum likelihood estimates). We also use memoise to avoid evaluating the function unnecessarily.

theta_inds <- 1:2
beta_inds <- 3:5
lambda_inds <- 6:7
bounds <- c(0, 0, rep(-Inf, 5))

mlwrapper <- function(par){
    y = dat$y,
    trials = rep(1, length(dat$y)),
    X = X,
    Zt = Zt,
    Lambdat = Lambdat,
    beta = par[beta_inds],
    theta = par[theta_inds],
    theta_mapping = theta_mapping,
    lambda = par[lambda_inds],
    lambda_mapping_X = integer(),
    lambda_mapping_Zt = lambda_mapping_Zt,
    weights = numeric(),
    weights_mapping = integer(),
    family = "gaussian",
    family_mapping = rep(0L, nrow(dat)),
    maxit_conditional_modes = 1

mlmem <- memoise(mlwrapper)
fn <- function(par){
gr <- function(par){

We start the optimization from some pretty arbitrary values, and it converges quite fast, to a solution which is identical to the one the PLmixed found. We set fnscale = -1 to get the negative log-likelihood, which optim then minimizes.

par_init <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1)
opt <- optim(par_init, fn = fn, gr = gr, 
             method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = bounds,
             control = list(fnscale = -1))

#> [1] -193.5633
#> [1] -193.5633

We can confirm that the parameters are identical:

  c(getME(irt.model$lme4, "theta"), fixef(irt.model), 
    irt.model$Lambda[[1]][2:3, 1]),
  xlab = "optim()", ylab = "PLmixed");
abline(0, 1)

It should also be clear to the reader the PLmixed is much more convenient to use. However, the optimization shown here is faster. In practice, it is useful to test different values for the lmm argument, which defines how many iterations the L-BFGS-B algorithm will keep in memory when approximating the Hessian.

  opt <- optim(par_init + runif(length(par_init), max = .5), 
               fn = fn, gr = gr, 
             method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = bounds,
             control = list(fnscale = -1))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.120   0.000   0.119
  opt <- optim(par_init + runif(length(par_init), max = .5), 
               fn = fn, gr = gr, 
             method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = bounds,
             control = list(fnscale = -1, lmm = 20))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.087   0.000   0.087
  irt.model <- PLmixed(form,
                     data = IRTsub, load.var = c("item"),
                     REML = FALSE, factor = list(c("abil.sid")), 
                     lambda = list(irt.lam), iter.count = FALSE)
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   2.483   0.064   2.444

The inverse of the negative Hessian matrix is the covariance matrix of the model. We can obtain this one with a single call at the final parameter estimates, using the argument hessian = TRUE.

final_model <- marginal_likelihood(
  y = dat$y,
  trials = rep(1, length(dat$y)),
  X = X,
  Zt = Zt,
  Lambdat = Lambdat,
  beta = opt$par[beta_inds],
  theta = opt$par[theta_inds],
  theta_mapping = theta_mapping,
  lambda = opt$par[lambda_inds],
  lambda_mapping_X = integer(),
  lambda_mapping_Zt = lambda_mapping_Zt,
  weights = numeric(),
  weights_mapping = integer(),
  family = "gaussian",
  family_mapping = rep(0L, nrow(dat)),
  maxit_conditional_modes = 1,
  hessian = TRUE
S <- solve(-final_model$hessian)

We can confirm that also these standard errors agree with PLmixed. Both for \(\hat{\beta}\)

#> [1] 0.06299119 0.06215440 0.06323201$`Fixed Effects`)[["SE"]]
#> [1] 0.06299815 0.06216950 0.06320914

and for \(\hat{\lambda}\).

sqrt(diag(S))[length(beta_inds) + seq_along(lambda_inds)]
#> [1] 0.1898281 0.2168588
#> [1] 0.2178841 0.2368201

Generalized linear mixed models

For illustrating use with generalized linear mixed models, we start by using a model without any factor structures.

We first fit the model using lme4:

glmod <- glFormula(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
                   data = cbpp, family = binomial)
devfun <-, glmod)
opt1 <- optimizeGlmer(devfun)
devfun <- updateGlmerDevfun(devfun, glmod$reTrms)
opt2 <- optimizeGlmer(devfun, stage=2)
fMod <- mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt2, glmod$reTrms, fr = glmod$fr)

Then we do it using marginal_likelihood:

theta_inds <- 1
beta_inds <- 2:5

mlwrapper <- function(par, hessian = FALSE){
    y = cbpp$incidence,
    trials = cbpp$size,
    X = glmod$X,
    Zt = glmod$reTrms$Zt,
    Lambdat = glmod$reTrms$Lambdat,
    beta = par[beta_inds],
    theta = par[theta_inds],
    theta_mapping = glmod$reTrms$Lind - 1L,
    family = "binomial",
    maxit_conditional_modes = 50,
    hessian = hessian

mlmem <- memoise(mlwrapper)
fn <- function(par){
gr <- function(par){

opt <- optim(
  par = c(1, runif(4)), fn = fn, gr = gr,
  method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = c(0, rep(-Inf, 4)),
  control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 2000, lmm = 20)
final_model <- mlwrapper(opt$par, hessian = TRUE)

Using optim() with L-BFGS-B yields slightly higher likelihood than lme4.

#> [1] -92.02628
#> 'log Lik.' -92.02657 (df=5)

However, this tiny difference might be due to small numerical differences, as we can see be plugging the lme4 solution into our function.

#> [1] -92.02629

Also the estimated standard errors are close.

#> [1] 0.2291250 0.3051912 0.3253896 0.4261366
#> [1] 0.2312140 0.3031506 0.3228302 0.4220492

Generalized additive mixed model with factor structures


We can now fit the model illustrates in the Introduction vignette, which we refer to for details. We start by adding a weight column to dat1, to hold factor loadings.

lambda_init <- c(item1 = 1, item2 = 2, item3 = .4)
dat1$weight <- lambda_init[dat1$item]
#>   id  item         y         x weight
#> 1  1 item1  4.516161 0.5324675    1.0
#> 2  1 item2  8.955929 0.5324675    2.0
#> 3  1 item3  1.774563 0.5324675    0.4
#> 4  2 item1 10.144956 0.6560528    1.0
#> 5  2 item2 19.633269 0.6560528    2.0
#> 6  2 item3  4.525468 0.6560528    0.4

To confirm that what we do is correct, we fit this GAMM at the initial values of the loadings.

mod0 <- gamm4(y ~ 0 + s(x, by = weight), random = ~(0 + weight|id), 
              data = dat1, REML = FALSE)

We then compute the mixed model representation of the GAMM.

sm <- smoothCon(s(x, by = weight), data = dat1)[[1]]
re <- smooth2random(sm, "", type = 2)

Then set up the list which holds the data.

mdat <- list(
  id = dat1$id,
  y = dat1$y,
  Xf = re$Xf,
  Xr = re$rand$Xr,
  weight = dat1$weight,
  pseudoGroups = rep(1:ncol(re$rand$Xr), length = nrow(dat1))

And set up the model.

lmod <- lFormula(y ~ 0 + Xf + (1 | pseudoGroups) + (0 + weight | id), 
                 data = mdat, REML = FALSE)

Then we add the penalized part of the smooth terms.

lmod$reTrms$Ztlist$`1 | pseudoGroups` <- as(t(as.matrix(mdat$Xr))[], class(lmod$reTrms$Zt))
lmod$reTrms$Zt <- rbind(lmod$reTrms$Ztlist$`0 + weight | id`, 
                        lmod$reTrms$Ztlist$`1 | pseudoGroups`)

To begin with, we complete model fitting at the initial loading.

devfun <-, lmod)
opt <- optimizeLmer(devfun)
mod1 <- mkMerMod(environment(devfun), opt, lmod$reTrms, fr = lmod$fr)

We can now compare the fitted models. The likelihoods are equal.

#> 'log Lik.' -384.4884 (df=5)
#> 'log Lik.' -384.4884 (df=5)

As are the fixed effects and variance components.

plot(c(fixef(mod1), getME(mod0$mer, "theta")),
  c(fixef(mod0$mer), getME(mod1, "theta"))); abline(0, 1)

We can also compare the penalized spline coefficients.

  xlab = "gamm4", ylab = "lme4"); abline(0, 1)

We now try to convert back to the original spline coefficients.

  re$trans.U %*% (re$trans.D * c(ranef(mod1)$pseudoGroups$`(Intercept)`, fixef(mod1))),
); abline(0, 1)

Next, we us marginal_likelihood to fit the same model, still treating the factor loadings as fixed.

theta_inds <- 1:2
beta_inds <- 3:4
bounds <- c(0, 0, rep(-Inf, 2))

Lambdat <- lmod$reTrms$Lambdat
Lambdat@x <- 1

mlwrapper <- function(par, hessian = FALSE){
    y = mod0$gam$y,
    X = lmod$X,
    Zt = lmod$reTrms$Zt,
    Lambdat = Lambdat,
    beta = par[beta_inds],
    theta = par[theta_inds],
    theta_mapping = lmod$reTrms$Lind - 1L,
    family = "gaussian",
    maxit_conditional_modes = 1, 
    hessian = hessian

mlmem <- memoise(mlwrapper)
fn <- function(par){
gr <- function(par){

We reach the same maximum likelihood estimate also now.

opt <- optim(par = runif(4, 10, 100), fn = fn, gr = gr, 
             method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = bounds, 
             control = list(fnscale = -1, lmm = 20))
#> $par
#> [1]  8.094555 75.164817  6.439333 12.305424
#> $value
#> [1] -384.4884
#> $counts
#> function gradient 
#>       32       32 
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $message

Also now we can transform the spline coefficients back to their original parametrization.

ml_final <- mlwrapper(opt$par, hessian = TRUE)

The random effects coming out of marginal_likelihood are standard normal, so we need to apply the transformation \(\mathbf{b} = \boldsymbol{\Lambda}^{T} \mathbf{u}\) to get random effects on the same scale as mod0 and mod1.

Lambdat@x <- opt$par[theta_inds][lmod$reTrms$Lind]
b <- as.numeric(Lambdat[101:108, 101:108] %*% ml_final$u[101:108])
  c(b, opt$par[beta_inds]),
  c(ranef(mod0$mer)$Xr[[1]], fixef(mod0$mer))
); abline(0, 1)

Then we can transform them back to their original parametrization (many steps involved here!!)

beta_spline <- re$trans.U %*% (re$trans.D * c(b, opt$par[beta_inds]))
); abline(0, 1)

We can also confirm that the smooth functions are the same at the sample values:

B <- t(re$trans.D * t(re$trans.U))
Xfp <- cbind(re$rand$Xr, re$Xf)
GXf <- PredictMat(sm, data = dat1)
  GXf %*% beta_spline,
  col = 2)
points(dat1$x, predict(mod0$gam), col = 3)

Finally we find confidence bands for the smooth term. First we need to reproduce the following covariance matrix:

#>                s(x):weight.1 s(x):weight.2 s(x):weight.3 s(x):weight.4
#> s(x):weight.1     93.1087992   0.680273909  -24.69827873    0.40378788
#> s(x):weight.2      0.6802739   2.954222744    0.20591981    0.94761517
#> s(x):weight.3    -24.6982787   0.205919809    7.59260968    0.06390848
#> s(x):weight.4      0.4037879   0.947615167    0.06390848    1.32625871
#> s(x):weight.5     12.2640049  -0.390003165   -2.84378295   -0.08155424
#> s(x):weight.6     -2.0592072  -1.001975536    0.29123751   -0.17279982
#> s(x):weight.7      9.4646959   0.002171801   -2.05853693   -0.00440880
#> s(x):weight.8      0.1319892   0.820144854    0.10295556    0.13118449
#> s(x):weight.9     52.4884152   0.440738158  -13.92516678    0.25157079
#> s(x):weight.10    -5.0619540  -5.601841222    0.48326272   -2.51359689
#>                s(x):weight.5 s(x):weight.6 s(x):weight.7 s(x):weight.8
#> s(x):weight.1    12.26400490   -2.05920722   9.464695857    0.13198918
#> s(x):weight.2    -0.39000317   -1.00197554   0.002171801    0.82014485
#> s(x):weight.3    -2.84378295    0.29123751  -2.058536935    0.10295556
#> s(x):weight.4    -0.08155424   -0.17279982  -0.004408800    0.13118449
#> s(x):weight.5     2.97847745   -0.04194028   0.553002878   -0.05623104
#> s(x):weight.6    -0.04194028    1.64043592  -0.052771137   -0.06954989
#> s(x):weight.7     0.55300288   -0.05277114   2.225399125   -0.01042005
#> s(x):weight.8    -0.05623104   -0.06954989  -0.010420046    1.27605273
#> s(x):weight.9     6.83590879   -1.17729764   5.266189673    0.09903052
#> s(x):weight.10    0.50399267    2.81658866  -0.435935604   -2.25217440
#>                s(x):weight.9 s(x):weight.10
#> s(x):weight.1    52.48841521     -5.0619540
#> s(x):weight.2     0.44073816     -5.6018412
#> s(x):weight.3   -13.92516678      0.4832627
#> s(x):weight.4     0.25157079     -2.5135969
#> s(x):weight.5     6.83590879      0.5039927
#> s(x):weight.6    -1.17729764      2.8165887
#> s(x):weight.7     5.26618967     -0.4359356
#> s(x):weight.8     0.09903052     -2.2521744
#> s(x):weight.9    29.75360402     -2.9801871
#> s(x):weight.10   -2.98018712     13.0588138

We now compute it, following the source code of gamm4::gamm4():

V <- Matrix::Diagonal(length(ml_final$V), ml_final$phi) + 
  crossprod(Lambdat[1:100, 1:100] %*% lmod$reTrms$Zt[1:100, ]) * ml_final$phi
R <- Matrix::chol(V,pivot=FALSE)
Xfp <- as(Xfp, "dgCMatrix")

WX <- as(solve(t(R), Xfp), "matrix")
Sp <- diag(c(rep(1 / opt$par[[2]], 8), 0, 0))
qrx <- qr(rbind(WX,Sp/sqrt(ml_final$phi)),pivot = FALSE)
Ri <- backsolve(qr.R(qrx),diag(ncol(WX)))
Vb <- B%*%Ri; Vb <- Vb%*%t(Vb)

plot(as.numeric(vcov(mod0$gam)), as.numeric(Vb)); abline(0, 1)

We then compute confidence bands around the smooth term:

Xlp <- PredictMat(sm, data = dat1)
v <- rowSums((Xlp %*% Vb) * Xlp)

inds <- order(dat1$x)[dat1$item == "item1"]
f <- (Xlp %*% beta_spline)
flo <- f - sqrt(v) * 2
fhi <- f + sqrt(v) * 2
  dat1$x[inds], f[inds], type = "l", ylim = c(0, 13)
lines(dat1$x[inds], flo[inds], lty = 2)
lines(dat1$x[inds], fhi[inds], lty = 2)

Maximum likelihood estimation

Having gained some confidence in our ability to fit a GAMM as a mixed model, we can now move on to also estimating the factor loadings.

We first creating mappings between factor loadings and element indices in the design matrices. The lambda mapping for X runs through each column.

lambda_mapping_X <- rep(as.integer(factor(dat1$item)) - 2L, ncol(lmod$X))

The lambda mapping for Zt runs through the vector of structural nonzeros. Compressed sparse column format is used, so the x vector runs through columns. Each loading is repeated nine times:

#>   9 
#> 300

lambda_mapping_Zt <- rep(-1:1, each = 9, times = 300)

X <- lmod$X / as.numeric(lambda_init[lambda_mapping_X + 2L])
Zt <- lmod$reTrms$Zt
Zt@x <- Zt@x / as.numeric(lambda_init[lambda_mapping_Zt + 2L])

We can confirm that they now are free of factor loadings:

# Before
#>         Xf1 Xf2
#> 1 0.3497902 1.0
#> 2 0.6995805 2.0
#> 3 0.1399161 0.4
#> 4 0.7921988 1.0
#> 5 1.5843976 2.0
#> 6 0.3168795 0.4
# After
#>         Xf1 Xf2
#> 1 0.3497902   1
#> 2 0.3497902   1
#> 3 0.3497902   1
#> 4 0.7921988   1
#> 5 0.7921988   1
#> 6 0.7921988   1
compmat <- cbind(before = lmod$reTrms$Zt@x, after = Zt@x)
compmat <- cbind(compmat, ratio = compmat[, 1] / compmat[, 2])

head(compmat, 27)
#>             before        after ratio
#>  [1,]  1.000000000  1.000000000   1.0
#>  [2,] -0.005368305 -0.005368305   1.0
#>  [3,] -0.015441528 -0.015441528   1.0
#>  [4,] -0.031062718 -0.031062718   1.0
#>  [5,] -0.022059973 -0.022059973   1.0
#>  [6,] -0.007786932 -0.007786932   1.0
#>  [7,] -0.011682907 -0.011682907   1.0
#>  [8,]  0.162647515  0.162647515   1.0
#>  [9,] -0.497847112 -0.497847112   1.0
#> [10,]  2.000000000  1.000000000   2.0
#> [11,] -0.010736610 -0.005368305   2.0
#> [12,] -0.030883057 -0.015441528   2.0
#> [13,] -0.062125436 -0.031062718   2.0
#> [14,] -0.044119947 -0.022059973   2.0
#> [15,] -0.015573864 -0.007786932   2.0
#> [16,] -0.023365813 -0.011682907   2.0
#> [17,]  0.325295030  0.162647515   2.0
#> [18,] -0.995694225 -0.497847112   2.0
#> [19,]  0.400000000  1.000000000   0.4
#> [20,] -0.002147322 -0.005368305   0.4
#> [21,] -0.006176611 -0.015441528   0.4
#> [22,] -0.012425087 -0.031062718   0.4
#> [23,] -0.008823989 -0.022059973   0.4
#> [24,] -0.003114773 -0.007786932   0.4
#> [25,] -0.004673163 -0.011682907   0.4
#> [26,]  0.065059006  0.162647515   0.4
#> [27,] -0.199138845 -0.497847112   0.4

We also remove the estimated values from Lambdat.

Lambdat <- lmod$reTrms$Lambdat
Lambdat@x <- rep(1, length(Lambdat@x))

We then compute the marginal likelihood.

margl <- marginal_likelihood(
  y = mdat$y,
  trials = numeric(length(mdat$y)),
  X = X,
  Zt = Zt,
  Lambdat = Lambdat,
  beta = fixef(mod1),
  theta = getME(mod1, "theta"),
  theta_mapping = lmod$reTrms$Lind - 1L,
  lambda = lambda_init[-1],
  lambda_mapping_X = lambda_mapping_X,
  lambda_mapping_Zt = lambda_mapping_Zt,
  weights = numeric(),
  weights_mapping = integer(),
  family = "gaussian",
  family_mapping = rep(0L, length(mdat$y)),
  maxit_conditional_modes = 1

#> [1] -384.4884
#> 'log Lik.' -384.4884 (df=5)

Finally, we can fit the model directly, using the same memoization technique as above.

theta_inds <- 1:2
beta_inds <- 3:4
lambda_inds <- 5:6
bounds <- c(0, 0, rep(-Inf, 4))

mlwrapper <- function(par, hessian = FALSE){
    y = mdat$y,
    X = X,
    Zt = Zt,
    Lambdat = Lambdat,
    beta = par[beta_inds],
    theta = par[theta_inds],
    theta_mapping = lmod$reTrms$Lind - 1L,
    lambda = par[lambda_inds],
    lambda_mapping_X = lambda_mapping_X,
    lambda_mapping_Zt = lambda_mapping_Zt,
    family = "gaussian",
    maxit_conditional_modes = 1,
    hessian = hessian

mlmem <- memoise(mlwrapper)
fn <- function(par){
gr <- function(par){

It ends up at the right values. Profile likelihood estimation fails from these initial values, and is much slower. Note that the deviance is lower now, because the factor loadings are estimated, rather than fixed at \((1, 2, .4)\).

par_init <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)

opt <- optim(par_init, fn = fn, gr = gr, 
           method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = bounds, 
           control = list(fnscale = -1, maxit = 2000, lmm = 20))

#> [1] -384.1548
#> 'log Lik.' -384.4884 (df=5)
#> $par
#> [1]  8.0946271 75.1657899  6.4287930 12.2839683  2.0036579  0.4030812
#> $value
#> [1] -384.1548
#> $counts
#> function gradient 
#>       75       75 
#> $convergence
#> [1] 0
#> $message

We can also now convert the spline coefficients back to their original parametrization.

ml_final <- mlwrapper(opt$par, hessian = TRUE)

u <- re$trans.U %*% (re$trans.D * c(ml_final$u[101:108], opt$par[beta_inds]))
Lambdat@x <- opt$par[theta_inds][lmod$reTrms$Lind]
b <- c(as.numeric(Lambdat[101:108, 101:108] %*% u[1:8]), u[9:10])

plot(b, coef(mod0$gam)); abline(0, 1)

hist(b - coef(mod0$gam))


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