All functions |
Calculate BDI scores |
Restructure BDI questions from wide format |
Big 5 Inventory |
BFI-2 Domain computations |
BFI-2 Facet computations |
Big-5 Item reversals |
Compile education across sources |
Fill inn Education in MOAS |
Create factor from education vector |
Get education levels scheme |
Alter levels to name |
Create a mapped table for conversion |
Recode new 9 levels into old |
Reduce education categories |
Turn education data to years |
Create vector with only correct values |
Edinburgh handedness inventory |
Laterality Quotient |
Factorise laterality quotient |
Nominal laterality factor |
Sum ehi columns |
Change coding of GDS to correct numeric values |
Binarise GDS values |
Compute the GDS sum |
Specify coding scheme for GDS questions |
Turn income bins to mean of bin |
Translate NOK to other currency |
Compute met from IPAQ |
IPAQ mets |
Alter the time instant columns to decminals |
Utility function to locate hm columns |
Utility function to locate hms columns |
Compute all PSQI components and global score |
PSQI compute time in bed |
Compute the TAS factors |
Turn strings of H:M to time |
Turn time into period |
Factor time of day |
Turn string time into decimal |
Create list of time of day break points |
Zygocity - Calculate item |
Compute weighted zygocity |
Zygocity - recode variables |
Find how many twins have answered |
Calculate weighted zygocity item |