These functions will aid in converting one education scheme into another. While you may attempt to go from a low level to a high (from 4 to 9), there is no way to actually do that in a consistent way that will correctly reflect the underlying data.
edu_reduce(x, from, to)
edu9_reduce(x, to = 4)
character vector
factor level to transform from
factor level to transform to
Always go from a higher level scheme to a lower one (currently from 9 to 4 only)
Specialized returns
edu_reduce - reduce with own to and from specification
edu9_reduce - directly reduce from 9 to 4
Other edu_functions:
edu9 <- c("7", "7", "8", NA, "Primary school (6 years)", "5", "9")
edu_reduce(edu9, 9, 4)
#> [1] University/University college (< 4 years)
#> [2] University/University college (< 4 years)
#> [3] University/University college (> 4 years)
#> [4] <NA>
#> [5] <NA>
#> [6] High school
#> [7] University/University college (> 4 years)
#> 4 Levels: Primary school (9 years) ... University/University college (> 4 years)
#> Numeric levels: 9 12 16 19
#> [1] University/University college (< 4 years)
#> [2] University/University college (< 4 years)
#> [3] University/University college (> 4 years)
#> [4] <NA>
#> [5] <NA>
#> [6] High school
#> [7] University/University college (> 4 years)
#> 4 Levels: Primary school (9 years) ... University/University college (> 4 years)
#> Numeric levels: 9 12 16 19