fs_lmm Creates a data.frame of subsetted row and formatted columns ready for use in Freesurfers (6.0) linear mixed models. Design matrices are created for the grouping.var factors, and numeric variables are z-transformed.

  numeric_transform = "delete",
  file = NULL,
  concat_list = NULL



data extracted from the NOAS


right-hand formula for your model. (ex. ~ visit_age * sex)


column name with the site information


unqoted column name with folder-information of MRI data from the 'mri_info' table.


Action to take on numeric_transform data that are numeric


other arguments to utils{model.matrix}


Optional string specifying file name to be saved


character vector of fsid's that you want the data matched to. Used if the data is already concatenated and you wish to add more variables to your models.


a data frame ready for Freesurfer LMM use.


Available options for 'numeric_transform' are:

  • "delete"delete observations with any numeric_transform numeric.vars

  • "mean_na"replace numeric_transform with mean for that participant

  • "mean_all"replace all values with the mean for that participant

  • "first"replace all values with the first observation for that participant


# attach built-in noas example data to test dt <- noas_example fs_lmm(dt, ~ visit_age * sex * cog, site_var = site_name, folder_var = mri_info_folder )
#> Warning: Some data have been removed. #> # A tibble: 2 x 8 #> subject_id project_id wave_code site_name mri_info_folder visit_age sex #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> #> 1 1000000 MemP 3 ousSkyra 1000000_4 14 female #> 2 1000010 MemC 3 ousSkyra 1000010_3 33 male #> # … with 1 more variable: cog <dbl>
#> # A tibble: 8 x 13 #> fsid `fsid-base` visit_age sex cog intercept visit_age_z sexmale cog_z #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> #> 1 10000… base_10000… 8 fema… 16 1 -1.14 0 0.957 #> 2 10000… base_10000… 10 fema… 14 1 -0.950 0 -0.0638 #> 3 10000… base_10000… 14 fema… 16 1 -0.565 0 0.957 #> 4 10000… base_10000… 17 fema… 15 1 -0.276 0 0.447 #> 5 10000… base_10000… 20 fema… 15 1 0.0120 0 0.447 #> 6 10000… base_10000… 22 male 14 1 0.204 1 -0.0638 #> 7 10000… base_10000… 28 male 13 1 0.781 1 -0.574 #> 8 10000… base_10000… 40 male 10 1 1.94 1 -2.11 #> # … with 4 more variables: visit_age:sexmale_z <dbl>, visit_age:cog_z <dbl>, #> # sexmale:cog_z <dbl>, visit_age:sexmale:cog_z <dbl>
# replace NA values in numeric with # mean values for the participant fs_lmm(dt, ~ visit_age * sex * cog, numeric_transform = "mean_na", site_var = site_name, folder_var = mri_info_folder )
#> # A tibble: 10 x 13 #> fsid `fsid-base` visit_age sex cog intercept visit_age_z sexmale cog_z #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> #> 1 1000… base_10000… 8 fema… 16 1 -1.22 0 1.05 #> 2 1000… base_10000… 10 fema… 14 1 -1.03 0 -0.0286 #> 3 1000… base_10000… 14 fema… 16 1 -0.640 0 1.05 #> 4 1000… base_10000… 14 fema… 15.2 1 -0.640 0 0.616 #> 5 1000… base_10000… 17 fema… 15 1 -0.349 0 0.509 #> 6 1000… base_10000… 20 fema… 15 1 -0.0581 0 0.509 #> 7 1000… base_10000… 22 male 14 1 0.136 1 -0.0286 #> 8 1000… base_10000… 28 male 13 1 0.717 1 -0.566 #> 9 1000… base_10000… 33 male 12.3 1 1.20 1 -0.924 #> 10 1000… base_10000… 40 male 10 1 1.88 1 -2.18 #> # … with 4 more variables: visit_age:sexmale_z <dbl>, visit_age:cog_z <dbl>, #> # sexmale:cog_z <dbl>, visit_age:sexmale:cog_z <dbl>
# replace all numeric values with # mean values for the participant fs_lmm(dt, ~ visit_age * sex * cog, numeric_transform = "mean_na", site_var = site_name, folder_var = mri_info_folder )
#> # A tibble: 10 x 13 #> fsid `fsid-base` visit_age sex cog intercept visit_age_z sexmale cog_z #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> #> 1 1000… base_10000… 8 fema… 16 1 -1.22 0 1.05 #> 2 1000… base_10000… 10 fema… 14 1 -1.03 0 -0.0286 #> 3 1000… base_10000… 14 fema… 16 1 -0.640 0 1.05 #> 4 1000… base_10000… 14 fema… 15.2 1 -0.640 0 0.616 #> 5 1000… base_10000… 17 fema… 15 1 -0.349 0 0.509 #> 6 1000… base_10000… 20 fema… 15 1 -0.0581 0 0.509 #> 7 1000… base_10000… 22 male 14 1 0.136 1 -0.0286 #> 8 1000… base_10000… 28 male 13 1 0.717 1 -0.566 #> 9 1000… base_10000… 33 male 12.3 1 1.20 1 -0.924 #> 10 1000… base_10000… 40 male 10 1 1.88 1 -2.18 #> # … with 4 more variables: visit_age:sexmale_z <dbl>, visit_age:cog_z <dbl>, #> # sexmale:cog_z <dbl>, visit_age:sexmale:cog_z <dbl>
# replace all numeric values with # first for the participant fs_lmm(dt, ~ visit_age * cog, site_var = site_name, folder_var = mri_info_folder )
#> Warning: Some data have been removed. #> # A tibble: 2 x 7 #> subject_id project_id wave_code site_name mri_info_folder visit_age cog #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 1000000 MemP 3 ousSkyra 1000000_4 14 NA #> 2 1000010 MemC 3 ousSkyra 1000010_3 33 NA
#> # A tibble: 8 x 8 #> fsid `fsid-base` visit_age cog intercept visit_age_z cog_z #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 1000000_1 base_1000000_11 8 16 1 -1.14 0.957 #> 2 1000000_2 base_1000000_11 10 14 1 -0.950 -0.0638 #> 3 1000000_3 base_1000000_11 14 16 1 -0.565 0.957 #> 4 1000000_5 base_1000000_12 17 15 1 -0.276 0.447 #> 5 1000000_6 base_1000000_12 20 15 1 0.0120 0.447 #> 6 1000010_1 base_1000010_12 22 14 1 0.204 -0.0638 #> 7 1000010_2 base_1000010_12 28 13 1 0.781 -0.574 #> 8 1000010_4 base_1000010_12 40 10 1 1.94 -2.11 #> # … with 1 more variable: visit_age:cog_z <dbl>
# Provide a vector of fsid to reduce the data to # pre-existing concatenated imaging data. fs_lmm(noas_example, ~ visit_age, site_var = site_name, folder_var = mri_info_folder, concat_list = c("1000000_1", "1000000_3", "1000000_5") )
#> # A tibble: 3 x 5 #> fsid `fsid-base` visit_age intercept visit_age_z #> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> #> 1 1000000_1 base_1000000_11 8 1 -1.09 #> 2 1000000_3 base_1000000_11 14 1 0.218 #> 3 1000000_5 base_1000000_12 17 1 0.873