This function converts iq T-scores to IQ, using the conversion table provided. The conversion table provided, and the columns in the data selected through the 'cols' argument must correspond regarding the test battery used, and the number of subtests provided for the IQ. If providing 2 WASI subtests scores, the conversion table must be for the conversion of two subtests to fullscale IQ. For WPPSI, you must select columns with verbal and performance IQ scaled to calculate the unscaled verbal and performane IQ. For WPPSI fullscale IQ, apply the iq_wppsi_fs function, using the two unscaled verbal and performance IQs.

iq_t2iq(data, cols = NULL, iq_table = NULL)





columns in the data frame with necessary data


table with conversion, first column being the score to convert from, second score to convert to


numeric vector of IQ scores


if (FALSE) { ## }